

Our Story

Resistance bands… in clothes?? Where did this idea come from?? Believe it or not, it all started in the shower. Well, that’s where the idea first showed up in full, but it was a long time in the making. Let’s start at the beginning…

Aaron Mottern is no stranger to starting a company. A seasoned entrepreneur, his previous startup endeavors include tech support, software programming and development, marketing and advertising, digital media signage, digital strategy consulting, and even scented outdoor misters.

There was a constant theme within each venture he touched – innovation. From live streaming events on Facebook way before Facebook LIVE was a thing, to launching an online dating site based on location before Tinder was on the scene, Aaron’s ideas were consistently original…and often just slightly before their time.


It was while working on an online fitness training platform where the idea for wearable resistance first started to form. Aaron’s work with the platform revealed a gap within the fitness industry that wasn’t being filled. In working with professional athletes to develop the platform’s content and training programs, Aaron saw firsthand their struggle to get resistance on the body in a natural way outside of a gym. One day while taking a shower, he thought, “Resistance bands and clothing, specifically pants to start, would be a really cool idea. You could still move without restrictions yet get resistance and activate your muscles.”

And just like that, the idea for AGOGIE resistance apparel was born. In 2018, Aaron launched these one-of-a-kind resistance band pants featuring eight actual resistance bands built inside. Never in the history of activewear had there been a product like this, and that is still true today. Our resistance wear gives people a convenient and comfortable way to burn more calories and fat, add tension to every movement, activate more muscles, and increase balance and agility..