Get the right fit, no matter what.

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Rachael Ray Show

"It's like an elliptical machine built into pants."

Mamba Sports Academy

"AGOGIE helped our guys prepare for the NFL Combine."

Kentucky Track & Field

"They are simple to use and they get results.



Introducing the AGOGIE Resistance Pants. With resistance bands built inside, improving your health, fitness, and athletic performance is as simple as putting on pants.


AGOGIE increased Caloric-burn Efficiency by 105%  

This metric shows how effective your body is in burning calories during movement. The higher the score, the more calories you burn when moving and the easier it gets to lose weight.

AGOGIE increased Fat burn at rest by 233%

Resting RER (Respiratory Exchange Ratio) gives the contribution (%) of fats and carbohydrates in the calories you burn at rest.

AGOGIE increased Type II muscle activation by 87%

This metric shows the breakdown between Type I & II muscle fibers in your body. The higher the Type II percentage, the easier it is to lose weight.

They make fitness simple, practical, and efficient.

Life is hectic. Finding time to workout shouldn't be. With AGOGIE, now you can transform any activity into a resistance workout. At work, in your home, or on the go.

Trusted by top athletes.
Worn by moms, husbands,
& future pro athletes.

Trusted by top athletes.
Worn by moms, husbands,
& future pro athletes.

They give you confidence
to grow.